Archive for April 2014
Ear infections
Ear infections can become a chronic problem for many children. They are commonly caused by bacterial or viral infections after an illness such as a cold. Repeated chronic ear infections can lead to hearing damage and well as problems with speech and development.
Ear infections commonly occur when the lymph system in the neck experiences improper drainage or when the muscles that keep bacteria and viruses from entering the tubes in the back of the throat that lead to the inner ear aren’t functioning correctly.
These problems are more likely to occur in children than adults. Adults have larger tubes that allow for better drainage as well spend more of their time upright, encouraging better drainage.
Most doctors prescribe antibiotics to help kill the infection. Many of these antibiotics are proven to be no more effective than the body’s own nervous system. On top f this, use of these antibiotics can lead to antibiotic resistant bacteria. Another common practice to treat ear infections is the use of tubes in the ears to increase drainage. Neither of these treatments treat the underlying causes of the infection.
It is important that a parent talk to a chiropractor if their child suffers from recurrent ear infections. Doctors of chiropractic can diagnose the problem and provide treatment that restores function to tissues in the neck which significantly reduces , of not completely eliminates, ear infections without medicinal or surgical help.
Colic is characterized by an unusual amount of crying in infants, usually defined as episodes of crying that last more than three hours a day more than three days a week for a duration of three weeks, Colic usually occurs between the 3rd and 6th weeks after birth and typically resolves by the time the child is 3 months old.
The birthing process causes a lot of stress on the neck of infants during the birthing process, which can cause subluxations that affect the child’s neck and back. This causes irritation in the child’s nervous system. With gentle chiropractic adjustments, these subluxations can be treated,
Dairy is another contributing factor to colic. Babies have a hard time digesting the sugar lactose found in cow’s milk, making it bad for their digestive system. The mother’s diet while breastfeeding is another contributing factor. Semi-bland high protein diets that exclude dairy is highly recommended during this time in the infant’s life.
If your infant suffers from colic, you may also try: placing a warm water bottle on the infant’s stomach, giving the infant a warm bath, taking them for a drive in their car seat, or rocking them in a chair or cradle.
Not all of the causes of bedwetting are fully understood. It is most common in children under four years old.
Some children have underdeveloped bladders for their age and have trouble recognizing that tier bladder is full. If a child hasn’t wet the bed for a long period of time then suddenly starts wetting again, this could be a sign of stress in the child’s life. Often this occurs in baby’s in a new home, moving to a new neighborhood, or divorce. Other causes include sexual abuse or could be caused by some sort of disease process. It mat be important for the child to see a doctor is they resume wetting the bed after having not in the past.
Irritated nerves that control bladder function could be a source of the problem. These nerves exit an area of the spine called the Sacrum. In adults, this is one large fused bone, but in children is consists of five individual segments. If these segments become misaligned, that can compromise the nerves responsible for normal bladder function. While chiropractic is not normally an avenue for bedwetting prevention, it has helped many children with the problem.
Asthma is often caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system and/or respiratory system. which both depend on normal communication between the brain and spinal chord.
With this information, it becomes apparent that if thence is misaligned it could be causing an imbalance in the function of the nervous system. Misalignment could occur through various traumas such as falls, head injuries, or auto accidents. This misalignment can exaggerate the symptoms of asthma. Chiropractors can perform an upper cervical examination on asthma patients to determine whether or not they can help reduce asthmatic symptoms and reactions.
ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) affects between 3% and 7% of American children, making it the most commonly reported childhood behavioral disorder. Poor attention span, impulse behaviors, and hyperactivity are the main traits at characterize this disorder.
While it is not entirely clear what causes ADHD, it has been observed that a combination of an overactive nervous system and a decrease in the brain’s ability to filter out extraneous sights, sounds, emotions, and thoughts are contributing factors.
With chiropractic care, spinal subluxations that irritate the nervous system can be removed. Patients can also be tested for allergies that stress the nervous system. Suggestions for dietary changes can also be made as well as suggestions in household changes that will limit exposure to toxic chemicals.
The most common medical treatment for ADHD is the prescription of Methylphenidate, more commonly known as Ritalin. The long term affects of this drug are unknown. It is a Class II controlled and addictive substance.