Services Conditions Treated & Services Offered

What about Massage?

By Jeffrey Haynes | March 19, 2015 |

Massage therapy is an excellent way to restore the body to its natural state and increase its healing capabilities. Benefits that result from massage include increased blood circulation, relief from joint and muscle pain, as well as help reduce levels of stress and depression. It has also been proven to aid in detoxifying the body,…

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What about Conformation?

By Jeffrey Haynes | March 19, 2015 |

The conformation of the horse should be considered when selecting a horse for a particular use. Horse breeds have been selectively modified to function best in a variety of performance types. Selection of breed or halter conformation is not a guarantee of successful athietic function. Study those horses that are winning consistently. What are their…

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How can I identify these symptoms?

By Jeffrey Haynes | March 19, 2015 |

Range of Motion The horse should move freely in all ranges of motion with no tension both under saddle and from the ground. 1. Ask the horse to bend his head and neck to touch its nose to cinch area on each side. Does the horse resist more on one side? This could indicate a…

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What are the symptoms of a Subluxation?

By Jeffrey Haynes | March 19, 2015 |

Subluxations of the spinal column may produce many symptoms. The most common problem is pain. Animals in pain will compensate in gait or posture and may resist or refuse to perform. Compensatory movements may cause other problem such as added stress on joints. The following is a list of symptoms that may indicate pain from…

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How do I examine my horse for Subluxations?

By Jeffrey Haynes | March 19, 2015 |

Chiropractors are trained to locate and correct subluxations. However, trainers, riders, or owners may check to see if their horses have problems with the spinal column. Examination of the spine before purchase is just as important as examination of the extremities. Gait and Performance Has the horse recently changed behavior or working below its ability?…

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How are Subluxations corrected?

By Jeffrey Haynes | March 19, 2015 |

When subluxations are identified in the spine, a veterinary chiropractor will attempt a correction of the misalignment. This is called an ADJUSTMENT. An adjustment is a short, rapid thrust onto a vertebra in the direction that will replace it into a normal position. Veterinary chiropractic is very specific and adjustments are made on vertebra directly.…

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What causes a Subluxations?

By Jeffrey Haynes | March 19, 2015 |

Traumatic and stressful situations present themselves daily to the performance horse. Saddles, riders, confinement, and sustained vigorous exercises can all cause problems in the spinal column.

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What is a Subluxation?

By Jeffrey Haynes | March 19, 2015 |

Chiropractors use the term SUBLUXATlON to describe a specific problem or disease of the spinal column. A subluxation is defined as a misaligned vertebra that is ?stuck? or unable to move correctly. When movement between two vertebra is restricted, the animal will not have total flexibility of the spine. Stiffness, resistance and lack of ability…

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Animal Chiropractic

By Jeffrey Haynes | March 19, 2015 |

Therapies: Animal Chiropractic/ Musculoskeletal Alignment Animal chiropractic/musculoskeletal alignment is a holistic approach to many of the health and performance problems of the horse and dog. Chiropractic does not replace traditional veterinary medicine and surgery, but provides an natural method of care. Chiropractic focuses on the health and proper functioning of the spinal column. The Spinal…

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Decompression Therapy

By Jeffrey Haynes | March 19, 2015 |

Welcome! You’ve probably seen the newspaper ads that “hype” Spinal Decompression Therapy telling you to call some unknown doctor’s office in order to receive a free report in the mail. We do not believe anyone should have to do that! This site will give you the complete facts about Spinal Decompression Therapy.We also tell you…

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